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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

tuesday remix: sister style

okay. i am admitting it. the remix has been overwhelming me as of late. i feel like there is never enough time and never enough clothes in my closet. every monday i had to figure out what three outfits i would be wearing, set up the camera and tripod, take a bunch of photos of each outfit, do outfit changes, upload and edit the photos, and write the post. and this is all while my baby is napping. and honestly, i was running out of clothes. i mean don't get me wrong, i have a ton of clothes. but i just felt like i was using the same pieces over and over and becoming a bit uninspired. it was just becoming not as fun anymore. and i am all about having fun. i feel almost silly even writing this because, i know, people have way worse problems (oh, poor nora, can't find an outfit to wear! boo hoo!). but this was just extra stress that was getting to me. so, of course, megan bird had a great idea (megan bird to the rescue!!!). each week either she or i will pick one item from our wardrobe and we'll both remix it. just one outfit each. so, there will still be a tuesday remix (i really didn't want to stop doing it). and, as a bonus, you will now get to see megan's lovely face and mad styling skills here every week! and i will be a lot less overwhelmed! yay! okay, enough of my babbling. i hope you all enjoy our first edition of the new and improved tuesday remix!!!

this week's item was chosen by megan. it is the cutest little cropped floral blouse, originally from delias but, of course, she thrifted it. i really wanted to keep it the minute i put it on. i loved it. and i would have gotten away with it if it weren't for that meddling megan! she wasn't having it. in fact, when i sent her a text regarding how i would be keeping the blouse she simply ignored me. can you even believe it? i mean, who doesn't let their sister keep their super cute, newly acquired items of clothing??? so lame. okay. for real now. enough of my babbling. i promise. onto the outfits...

outfit one: floral explosion

shirt- H&M
belt- vintage, thrifted
wedges- DbDk fashion, ebay
turquoise ring- H&M

outfit two: romper room

romper - thrifted (originally from target)
necklace - swapped
earrings - hand-me-down (maybe from nora?)
shoes - kohls
belt - amanda's (i will return it, i promise!)

yeah, that's right, megan to the rescue! it's a bird!it's a plane!it's a ...bird! i thought nora was doing a fabulous job at her remixes...i'm not trying to bogart her tuesdays. but i have to say we always had fun with the two birds remixes that we did for the store, so why not keep it up with our own clothes. between the two of our closets, we have plenty. as long as she never chooses a pair of her own pants to remix. cause then you'd have to see me getting super creative. hey look, i'm wearing nora's pants as a belt! no can do. have you seen her???

we hope you all like the remixed remix! and ps, nora might, just might get to keep this shirt!

the birds

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