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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

two birds remix

we're doing a little something different for the remix today! as most of you know, megan and i own a small business doing vintage pop-up sales. we started it two years ago out of megan's home and have since branched out to different venues around the city. we, along with amanda of Salvaged Strawberry, set up a small vintage boutique somewhere around the city for one weekend only and sell our collections of vintage clothing, art and housewares. we pop up up every few months or so, and there is a sale coming up on may 14th and 15th! megan bird and i wanted to showcase some of our great vintage pieces in a fun way! we decided we would each take a two birds item, style it and then swap items. it was a lot of fun! we couldn't get through all of our pieces (you guys should have seen the piles and piles of clothing we had to choose from! so. many. clothes.), so we just selected a few great items to show you! we are planning another photo shoot with amanda in a couple weeks and we will showcase the rest of the pieces then! stay tuned for that. but for now, let's remix!

two birds items ~ shirt, belt

two birds items ~ vest, white blouse, skirt, belt

two birds items ~ dress/tunic, both necklaces, belt

 two birds items ~ shorts, skort, blouse, skinny belt, gold necklace/belt

 two birds items ~ dress, skirt, both belts, necklace

 two birds items ~ blouse, skirt, both belts

 two birds items ~ skirt, tee, sweater, both belts

 two birds items ~ both skirts, vest, both belts

 two birds items ~ dress, skinny belt, necklace

 two birds items ~ skirt, gold belt, blouse, vest

 two birds items ~ blouse, skirt, gold necklace

 two birds items ~ skirt/dress (with belt), blue tank, both necklaces

 two birds items ~ skirt, blouse, necklace/belt

 two birds items ~ pants, tank, sequin top, white and black belts, pearls

 two birds items ~ sailor shirt, red blouse, belt

two birds items ~ skirt, blue tank, belt, bracelet, necklace

fun, right??? i am in love with all of the great pieces we have for this sale. if you are in or around the minneapolis area on may 14th or 15th, we would love to see you at the sale! stop in, say hi, grab a glass (or two!) of champagne and shop 'til you drop! and while you're there, megan bird and i would love to style an outfit or two for you!

happy tuesday!

xoxo, nora bird

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