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Thursday, March 31, 2011

2011 Funky Hairstyle Trends

We are living in a new age in all regards. Whether thinking about cars, technology, fashion or hairstyles. Because of this, why not get that 2011 funky hairstyle trend? This can mean many things to many different people.

The Mohawk is back. Some may say that this hairstyle never truly left, but really it has become more easily accepted. With stars sporting this hairstyle in all different colors it may be a fantastic time to give it a try for yourself. 2011 funky hairstyle trends don't stop here though. New colors, getting close shaves with parts that are really long, and spikes are all types of hairstyles that are being seen more and more often.

People sometimes forget that hair color is part of a hairstyle. This can mean getting a deep purple highlighted with white, black, or blond. Going for fire engine red, deep green, or smurf blue, may be a fantastic way to try something very different. Any of these bright colors should be done professionally, that way the best results are achieved. Often when going for a funky hairstyle, there will be some maintenance involved and this will include product. Consult the stylist that helps with the initial hairstyle and get good product from the beginning. Higher quality product makes for hair that has less split ends, is easier to manage, and keeps it healthier in the long run. Making sure a person knows how to get the same look at home can be key in a funky hairstyle.

inspiration for april 4th

here it is. beautiful alexa chung! how will you style it???

check out the rules here.

tag! we're it!

yes, that is a picture of chickens playing soccer. why??? because, i couldn't find a picture of birds playing tag. duh.

anyway, we were tagged by steph, over at Minnesota Maven, to play a little blog game. what did we have to do? just answer the following questions...

1.name and blog name
2. blog URL
3. write "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
4. favorite quote
5. favorite song
6. favorite band/singer
7. anything else you'd like to say???
8. tag bloggers to participate

so, here you go!

wow. so tiny! can you even read that? sorry!!! well, i tagged amanda at Salvaged Strawberry (xoxoxo)! i just know she will play and come up with some great answers!!!

also, apparently robert bunsen's birthday was yesterday, not today (thanks a lot, google!). but i had already written it. so, happy belated birthday, bob!

xoxo, nora bird

1. name and blog name
2. blog's URL
3. Write, "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
4. Favorite quote
5. Favorite song
6. Favorite band/singers
7. Anything else you'd like to say?
8. Tag bloggers to participate

new loves and old friends: skinned knees, the new accessory

first things first. my knee. i bumped it. ok, not so much a bump as a humiliating out-of-body free fall to the ground. i was standing in a stranger's driveway, about to purchase a new headboard/footboard (can't wait to show you my newest project!), and out of nowhere, i fly into the air and land smack dab on my knee. this is one of the hazards of minnesota...black ice. i had no idea i was standing on ice, and i hadn't even moved before i fell. it was quite embarrassing. i fell, looked up at the woman watching me, and said, "that must have been pretty funny for you." to which she replied, "are you going to sue me?" well, i kind of want to sue her for the $5 pair of blue tights that ripped when i fell, but i won't. although i can't find them anywhere now. blue tights? suggestions? needless to say, it had been years since i last skinned my knee and i kind of forgot how much it hurt! some new tights and a dora bandaid later, i was all fixed. eva kept telling people the whole day, "mama has bleed." in a very sad, sympathetic voice. i was well taken care of.
so on to my outfit. as a sort of consolation for my broken knee (i know, i exaggerate), i got to buy this vintage yellow skirt. i love the fit, love the color, love the length. i plan on wearing it through all the seasons. today, i am wearing it as sort of a transition from winter to spring. yep, we are actually getting spring here. i may be speaking too soon, as i have heard reports of snow. we'll see. today, it's spring, and that's all i care about.

new loves:
shoes ~ $9.88 store
shirt ~ alloy
earrings ~ F21
belt ~ thrifted

old friends:
skirt ~ vintage, thrifted (handmade, even!)

happy friday junior (as my friend cayla likes to call it)

megan bird

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Lee Min Ho membuat para fans kagum dengan gaya berpakaian nya di Airport

Indonesian Text :

Ketika berjalan menuju Terminal (di dalam airport), Gaya berpakaian Lee Min Ho yang trendy mendapatkan banyak perhatian dari para penggemar dunia fashion (fashionistas). Lee Min Ho sang bintang sedang dalam perjalanan ke Thailang untuk proses syuting "City Hunter" dan ia mendaptkan banyak perhatian dengan tidak melakukan apapun.
Memakai T-Shirt kaos hitam yang rapi dengan cardigan berwarna hitam dan abu-abu, Lee Min Ho membuat penampilan nya lengkap dengan warna dari tas punggung nya. Para fans juga melihat bahwa rambutnya yang sedikit berombak membuta penampilan nya sempurna dan terlihat moderen.
Di dalam Ddama nya yang terbaru, City Hunter, Lee Min Ho akan berperan sebagai " Lee Yoon Seong", seorang lulusan dari MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) yang bekerja di "Blue House" Korea (sama seperti Gedung Putih Amerika) dan bergabung di dalam tim hubungan komunikasi.
City Hunter akan ditayangkan di SBS pada tanggal 25 Mei.

Original English text :

Lee Min Ho wows fans with his airport fashion

While moving through the terminal, Lee Min Ho’s trendy airport fashion caught the eyes of many fashionistas. The star was on his way to Thailand to film for his new drama, ”City Hunter“, and he captivated many with his effortless look.
Dressed in a sleek black t-shirt with a black cardigan and grey slacks, he completed his look with a touch of color from his backpack. Fans also noted that his slightly wavy hair gave him a freer look to his overall style, making him look both modern and chic.
In his new drama, Lee Min Ho will be playing the role of ‘Lee Yoo Sung’ an MIT graduate who is now a part of the Blue House’s national communication networks team.
“City Hunter” will begin airing on May 25th.

eye candy

i know this is a late post, but i was just surfing the internets while mimi took her afternoon nap and came upon this fashion editorial from the october 2010 issue of vogue germany. it made me so happy that i just had to share it tout suite!

*sigh*. so fabulous.

xoxo, nora bird


we have started a new post! we love browsing blogs to find out what other bloggers love, so we decided to do our own. on a daily basis, we email back and forth with the email subject "love!" and it's always some new accessory or blog or decor. searching and finding adorable, must-have items is always fun, so we thought we'd share our weekly favorites!

megan bird's faves:

i love this drawing. she is so beautiful! a friend of mine has this as a tattoo and i think it's fabulous.

this bow necklace is so beautiful, i bought it three times! nora sent me the link ("love!") and i bought one for her, one for myself, and one for our l'il sis who still was due one small birthday present!

while these shoes are sold out, i am still waiting for them to come back. they have to! they are too cute not to! please? please? please?

sailor inspired? check. romper? check. betsey johnson? double check. what's not to love?

what's better than a creepy diy project? not much. my house will soon be littered with baby doll head paper weights!

nora bird's picks:



i would hang these gorgeous paintings by japanese artist masaru shichinohe all over my house. i love them! i couldn't narrow it down to one favorite. 


mid-century children's furniture? yes, please!

i have been looking for some cute things to spruce up our bathroom decor (it desperately needs it)! this print would be such an adorable addition.


i am a freak for vintage globes. and the colors on this one are amazing!


i love that i recently found these adorable rain shoes at one of my favorite thrift stores...for $1.00! i will be wearing them while gardening this spring too!

do you have any favorites this week?

happy hump day, lovebirds!

megan and nora bird

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Short Front Spiky Cut | Spiky Haircuts

Short Front Spiky Cut
 Short Front Spiky Cut
Short Front Spiky Cut
Short Front Spiky Cut
Short Front Spiky Cut
Short Front Spiky Cut
If you like spiky hair styles, but think it looks a little too edgy, then go for this haircut. In this style, the hair on the side and back are cut short, and the crown is kept longer. The crown hair are cut into a tapering look, with hair kept longest near the forehead. Then, this hair is styled with gel upwards.

Short Hairstyles for Men

 Short Hairstyles for Men

 Short Hairstyles for Men

 Short Hairstyles for Men

 Short Hairstyles for Men

 Short Hairstyles for Men

 Short Hairstyles for Men

 Short Hairstyles for Men

 Short haircuts are easy to maintain and are most opted by guys. However, one can get bored with the same old haircut. If you are too bored, with old hairstyle or have overgrown hair, then you should consider a short haircut. Given below, are ideas on short haircuts for men. If you want to add more style to your haircut, then you can consider getting some subtle highlights. This will add more to the men's hairstyle and give a more textured hair look.

2011 Cute Hair Trends

Does spring make a person think about new clothes, new makeup or the 2011 cute hair trends that may be available and look great with their hair? If a hairstyle has been thought about it can be a great time to get involved with a new trend and gain a little pep in a person's step.

Take some time looking through different images either online, or in a traditional magazine. Maybe a 2011 cute hair trend can be found looking at celebrities to see what they're doing different this year. Perhaps a person's hairstyle is super long and getting a change by making it shoulder length would be perfect. There are some great angles that work well for many face shapes. Short may be the way to go, or a little curl.

The most important thing is to work with a good stylist. There are many all around, and if a person doesn't already have one they may like to try searching through online reviews to find out who's the most highly recommended in their area. Consult with them, often some hairstyles lend themselves better to certain hair types, or shapes. This is a great time to get bangs, or start growing them out. Get some new color, or shorten it up, and add some body. Do some planning and look at what is cute on people with similar hair and looks then go find a great stylist. Then plan a day to get spoiled and head out to the salon. Enjoy the compliments of a pretty, new hairstyle.

tuesday remix

tuesday again! time to remix! this week's item is a new-to-me tomato red mini skirt, originally from express design studio. i found it at a thrift store this past weekend and thought it was too cute to pass up. since i just bought it i obviously haven't had a chance to actually wear it anywhere. so, i thought it would be fun to style it a few different ways to see how i could wear it eventually. i had a good time with this remix! and i would love to hear what you think! p.s. i took these photos at night and ended up having to use my flash. so i apologize that i look even paler than usual (check out those legs! yikes!). the hubby, the girl and i are taking a trip to california in april (so very excited!!!) and i promise to try my hardest to get a nice tan while we're there!

the item:

outfit one: color blocked

blouse- vintage, thrifted
shoes- michael antonio, cutesy shoes
necklace- gift from bestie kate

outfit two: untucked

tank top- jake's closet, marshalls
shoes- anne michelle
white necklace- vintage, thrifted
gold necklace- same as above

outfit three: tee time

tee shirt- F21
belt- ???
shoes- F21, gift from my sisters
tights- JCP
earrings- target

bonus outfit: seeing red

tunic- UO
shoes- we who see, thrifted
necklace- vintage, thrifted

i hope you all have a fun-filled tuesday!!!

xoxo, nora bird