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Thursday, March 31, 2011

new loves and old friends: skinned knees, the new accessory

first things first. my knee. i bumped it. ok, not so much a bump as a humiliating out-of-body free fall to the ground. i was standing in a stranger's driveway, about to purchase a new headboard/footboard (can't wait to show you my newest project!), and out of nowhere, i fly into the air and land smack dab on my knee. this is one of the hazards of minnesota...black ice. i had no idea i was standing on ice, and i hadn't even moved before i fell. it was quite embarrassing. i fell, looked up at the woman watching me, and said, "that must have been pretty funny for you." to which she replied, "are you going to sue me?" well, i kind of want to sue her for the $5 pair of blue tights that ripped when i fell, but i won't. although i can't find them anywhere now. blue tights? suggestions? needless to say, it had been years since i last skinned my knee and i kind of forgot how much it hurt! some new tights and a dora bandaid later, i was all fixed. eva kept telling people the whole day, "mama has bleed." in a very sad, sympathetic voice. i was well taken care of.
so on to my outfit. as a sort of consolation for my broken knee (i know, i exaggerate), i got to buy this vintage yellow skirt. i love the fit, love the color, love the length. i plan on wearing it through all the seasons. today, i am wearing it as sort of a transition from winter to spring. yep, we are actually getting spring here. i may be speaking too soon, as i have heard reports of snow. we'll see. today, it's spring, and that's all i care about.

new loves:
shoes ~ $9.88 store
shirt ~ alloy
earrings ~ F21
belt ~ thrifted

old friends:
skirt ~ vintage, thrifted (handmade, even!)

happy friday junior (as my friend cayla likes to call it)

megan bird

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