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Friday, August 5, 2011

new loves and old friends: moms who text

i know, i'm a mom. and i text. but for purposes of this blog post, i am talking about our moms. i'm not going to say old moms, cause chances are my mom is reading this. mom, if you're reading this, you're not old. read my post from the other day...you are a young soul. and you happen to look young, too. i mean, nora and i had to get our smokin' hot looks from someone, right? (and we all know it wasn't dad.) dad, if you're reading this, i'm kidding. nora and i are like your younger, girlier twins. ok, maybe not girlier. again, kidding. why are you so sensitive, dad?

anyways, back to texting. chris and i went to dinner last night at a neighborhood restaurant that nora and another sister (what up carrie?) happen to work at. during the course of our evening, my mom texted me. She was trying to tell me her plans for the weekend. what she was trying to say is that she is going to see my uncle greg and aunt dorothy this weekend. now, for some odd reason, we call dorothy "dot". she doesn't know this. dorothy, if you're reading this, pet names are a sign of love. i digress...and now i've rambled so much that the end of this story will no longer be funny. long story long, here is the series of texts i got from my mom.

"we're staying in town this weekend – going to see greg and dits tomorrow!"
30 seconds pass and...
"iran dots"
30 more seconds pass and...
"i mean dots"
she finally gave up and went back to her wine. love you, mom!

it's still funny to me, but that's because she's my mom. and also because when she says she only had one glass of wine, we all know that this is the glass she's drinking from.

again, sorry mom...but you know you want that glass now, right?

on to the outfit i wore to dinner. my favorite granny sweater. in fact, chris told me that his grandma used to own one just like it. that made me love it even more.

new loves
shoes ~ marshalls
panst ~ F21
earrings ~ F21

old friends
sweater ~ vintage, thrifted
bracelets ~ vintage, thrifted
watch ~ vintage, thrifted

happy weekend, all!
megan bird

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