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Thursday, August 4, 2011

curious birds: age is just a number

lately, i have been thinking a lot about my age. not so much about how i'm getting older and all of that stereotypical stuff (gray hairs, wrinkles, slowing metabolism)...ok, now i'm thinking about that. eek! but really, i have been thinking more about age appropriateness. having this blog has given me a great opportunity to not only look back on my own style, but also to see other people's stylings, and to hear what they have to say about what works for them and what doesn't.

a few weeks ago, i was out with some friends. a woman that i had just met joined us, and i told her the waitress would be around in a few minutes if she wanted to order a drink. she promptly responded, "no thanks, i'm a mom." while i have no objection to the fact that she doesn't want to drink, it really got me thinking. i'm a mom. i have two wonderful kids. in fact, i think i'm a really great mom. i am responsible, i have a job, i pay my bills. i feed my family healthy dinners every night (ok, there is the occasional chicken nugget thrown in), i make sure they get enough sleep, enough play, enough love. i'm a mom, but i'm also a (kind of) wife, a daughter, a friend, a sister. i also like to have a few drinks here and there. chris and i make sure that we have our time together...and i have to admit, we probably have more than most parents have. we have generous parents who live close and ask us if they can watch the kids many weekends. and when the kids are home, we have an open door policy on friday nights. we love to have friends over, we love to sit around, listen to music, drink some beers, enjoy each other's company. but the next day, you can bet your butt that i am up at 6 with the kids to spend time with them. i guess that what i am trying to say is that i make no apologies for being a mom, and for also being a super fun young woman. there, i said it, young woman.

i digress, this isn't the point of my curious birds question...what i am really trying to ask you all is this, if you could assign yourself any age, what would it be? i am 37. but i feel like i am about 27, some days younger, some days older (most days younger). i like to wear short skirts (when appropriate) and tall heels. i sometimes get drunk and sing karaoke. i forget that i am older than most of the people that i work with, and when i meet people who are younger than me, i just assume we are the same age. i feel young. i don't feel old. so, while i know my limitations, i know what is appropriate – the whens and the wheres – i also don't limit myself to certain things because i am 37 and shouldn't be doing this or that because i'm too old. so i want to hear from you...how old do you feel? how old do you act? do you limit yourself because of your age, or are you limitless? i can't wait to hear what you all have to say.

and to honor my young age...here's a few pics of myself in the aforementioned short skirts and high heels.

dress ~ F21
shoes ~ Dots
earrings ~ Heartbreaker
bracelets ~ F21, Dots, gifted

i hope you all feel young today!
megan bird

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