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Monday, August 8, 2011

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  • looivy
    08-20 10:35 PM
    There are other important immigration matters to be discussed.

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  • bayarea07
    09-24 07:27 PM
    Interesting Analysis from Greg Siskind


    Yesterday, I wrote about a great bill that was introduced by Senator Menendez that would recapture hundreds of thousands of unused green card numbers, ease the strict per country limits that cause long lines for nationals of some countries and also make it easier to get a waiver when someone is subject to an unlawful presence bar.It also changes the definition of an "immediate relative" to include spouses and children of permanent residents, a provision which would be wildly popular in the Hispanic community since it would cut out the multiyear waits typical in the Family 2A category.

    And, oh yeah, there's another bill that people are talking about. The E-Verify program (DHS' much discussed electronic employment verification system) expires in November.

    E-Verify is the heart of the entire enforcement agenda for the antis and with Congress set to adjourn in the next week or so and with the distinct possibility that this will put off all legislation until next February or so when the new Congress comes in, getting E-Verify extended in the next few days is a huge deal. A five year extension has passed the House already. The Senate has done nothing yet.

    So it was with great interest that I read in yesterday's CQ Today print edition that Senator Menendez is blocking the E-Verify reauthorization bill in order to force consideration of the recapture bill. The article describes Republicans as being infuriated and saying that the recapture bill is a nonstarter and demanding Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid bring up a clean E-Verify extension bill.

    On the House side, interestingly, the recapture bill was set for a markup in the Judiciary Committee yesterday and Congressman Conyers abruptly adjourned the hearing after a bill barring horse slaughtering was finished yesterday. According to my sources, several members of the Committee were shocked that the markup on the recapture bill didn't happen even though Conyers is a strong backer of the measure. Strange.

    So that has me speculating. Is something cooking with the Democratic leadership and the Obama campaign? I think the Democrats smell blood. They know John McCain is in trouble with Hispanic voters based on recent polling data. He's polling anywhere from 10 to 20 points worse than Bush did in 2004 and the Hispanic vote partially explains why Obama finds himself ahead in places like New Mexico and Colorado, states Bush won in 2004. Erosion of support in the Hispanic community could also cost McCain Florida, a state McCain cannot lose if he has any chance of winning the election.

    As I reported earlier this week, the McCain campaign and congressional leaders have been clamping down on the anti-immigrant wing of the party. You didn't really think these folks suddenly decided they no longer care about this issue, did you?

    What I don't think is a coincidence is the sudden reemergence of immigration in the presidential debate. Suddenly, Obama is blasting McCain on immigration and looking for more and more forums to make his claim that he's pro-immigration and his party's solidly behind him. And he's quick to remind Latinos that John McCain turned his back on them and denounced his own comprehensive immigration reform bill, something that Latino voters are now saying is one their top priorities.

    McCain is asking Latino voters for a do-over and claiming that he was only pandering to his base. He was always pro-immigration. It's just politics, you understand.

    As you might expect, this message is not selling particularly well. And Democrats know it. They also know that with the economy in free fall, most Americans are not thinking that much about immigration anymore and the issue has dropped back to its historically low rank on issues of concern to the typical voter. So Democrats can be more visibly pro-immigration without having to fear negative consequences.

    You probably see where this is going. Provoking a confrontation over immigration with Republicans in the month of October can only have good results. Democrats might actually pass a bill they really want. And they score politically as well.

    There's no time to bring up a massive comprehensive immigration reform bill between now and the election. Something smaller and simpler, but what? Oh wait, there's that recapture bill! And there's that must pass E-Verify bill. Now there's a great way to put immigration back on the front pages. Link the two and force Republicans to vote no on a pro-immigration bill likely to have a hugely positive impact in the Hispanic community if they want the E-Verify program to survive. If the Democrats can keep the two bills linked, Republicans who can't stomach more immigration will have to vote no on E-Verify, something they'll have trouble explaining to their constituents. And Republicans who think E-Verify is too important to die, will help deliver a win on the recapture bill.

    And in the mean time, McCain will have to openly confront the angry antis in his party. Some of the hardliners in his party will call the provisions easing the unlawful presence waivers to be a "back door amnesty." If McCain goes against them, he'll be seen as a liar by the people in his party who he promised that he would not support an "amnesty" without enforcement first. And if he votes with the antis, it will be all the Hispanic community needs to hear to confirm they're right to support Obama.

    October could be interesting.

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  • mirage
    03-27 03:47 PM
    Thanks for Sharing. I watch Indian Politics very very closely, but haven't heard of him till today, Indian media is too obsessed with Rahul Gandhi and Sarkozy. They don't have time for real people...
    My vote is for Dr. Jaya Prakash Narayan. He has done good things as a doctor and then as a collector in AP.

    Of course he stands no chance, but I think he started a movement (grassroots) - hopefully it is the beginning of some positive change.

    Check out his speech at a Mumbai university.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4xFCdOYTv4 - Part 1
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Q6s1R9iBjw - Part 2
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6ZHak1lEr8 - Part 3


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  • tikka
    07-04 07:42 AM
    Thanks for your diggs. If you go and check the Upcoming stories tab - it has made it to the top in "Hot in All Topics" list...

    keep digging....

    http://digg.com/politics/U_S_Withdraws_Offer_of_60_000_Job_Based_Visas_Ange ring_Immigration_Lawyer/who 170 DIGS

    http://digg.com/politics/Rep_Lofgren_Issues_Statement_on_Updated_Visa_Bulle tin 316 DIGS

    http://digg.com/politics/USCIS_Visa_scandal - 134 DIGS


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  • whitecollarslave
    02-12 01:11 PM

    Good strategy. Need to make sure all EB provisions are still intact in these reforms targetted for spring & Summer of this year.

    How can we find out if EB provisions are there?

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  • indiancitizen77
    08-27 11:44 PM
    Our frustration with the US legal immigration and retrogression seems endless. My wife and I are considering immigration prospects to Canada. Can somebody please suggest good responsive lawfirms that could handle a Canadian PR application? We would also appreciate some insight on Canadian immigration prospects for physicians. Thanks


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  • Pineapple
    12-14 05:10 PM
    I can understand your concerns.. and no, I do no resent your comment. I rather welcome a different viewpoint! IV, I emphatically maintain is made up ordinary people, like you and me, regardless of nationality and culture. I'm not a core member, but that, in itself, is the point - there is no top-down hierarchy, no "party line". IV is us. It is the very embodiment of the philosophy, "Of the people, by the people, and for the people" .

    If it were any different, I would not be here.

    That said, let me address your concerns. You (and anyone else) is free to disagree.

    Let us say all country quotas are removed. In that case, yes, you will see a majority of GCs going to people of Indian and Chinese extraction. But to say that the removal of country quota is going to disadvantage people of other countries is a mathematical fallacy.
    Let me explain it this way, using an analogy. Suppose you take part in a lotto game. The prizes (GC) are limited. Say there is only one prize and you have 100 participants. Also, further, let us say 80 are from California and 20 are from Pennsylvania.
    If you play the game several times, you will see that 80 % of the prizes go to people from California.
    But, that does not mean that you will improve your chances of winning if you move from Pennsylvania to California!!
    Your odds are exactly the same - 1 in 100.

    Removing country quotas would have the same consequence: If would actually give everyone a level playing field, and everyone would have the same shot at making the coveted quota of 140,000 EB GCs.

    But when you have quotas, the probabilities are severely distorted. Especially when you have arbitrary quotas. (Why 7 %? Why not 9 %? Why not 5.247 %?).
    In this case, if you are from India or China, you are seriously disadvantaged, while someone from a smaller country gets an unfair advantage. This is not complex political philosophy. It is school boy arithmetic.

    You see what I mean?

    When an Indian or Chinese asks for no country quotas, he/she is not asking for more.. He/she can no more control the wind as control where he/she is born. He/she is just asking to have a fair chance just as anyone else in the world. Why should he/she be penalized for being born in a big country?

    I hope you see what I mean.

    Anyway, the thread is about whether we can make a constitutionality argument in the court. The issue of "fairness" is quite settled as I explained above.

    I know what I am about to say will trigger a lot of reaction and some resentment, but it has to be said on behalf of those who are not Indian. I think the per country limit is to ensure that people of all nationalities and races have an equal opportunity to obtain a green card and to ensure that no one nationality, group, or even sector (i.e. IT) monopolizes the so few visas that are available. In fact, in the visa lottery, countries become excluded when the number of immigrants from them reach a certain point, so we are lucky they do not do that in the Employment-based system!

    I think that by wanting to remove the per country limit so more Indians can avail of the green card quota is both asking for "special treatment" and a slap in the face for all the non-Indian IV members. The more I read the threads on this site, the more I feel that this organization is geared just to one ethnic group. I am sure that Indians probably make up the majority of members, but the founders of IV (I hope) did not want this organization to become one-sided! Please be considerate of ALL members and try to come up with suggestions that would benefit ALL members!!!:mad:

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  • walking_dude
    12-14 05:19 PM
    The difference between your idea and mine is your thinking is still stuck in the 16th century. He is Indian, he is Chinese, he is Mexican etc, while I see everyone as human beings. There lies the difference.

    EB Immigration is just 12% of all immigrants. How can it affect diversity of the country? With all the country quotas in place, US is becoming hispanisized with Hispanics slated to become 25% of the population ! So much for the much touted 'diversity' !

    --What you said sounds very interesting. But it got me thinking, what if the merit is equally distributed by the country of origin and there is a limit to the opportunities this country can provide?

    Let us say there are 140,000 EB visas given every year. Based on pure merit and sans any regard to nationality. Don't you think it could potentially lead to more visas being consumed by one country?

    What if this country wants to ensure diversity to its social fabric?? How do they go about doing that? I always see EB1 as "current" for oversubscribed countries as well. In my opinion, EB3 "skilled category" and "other worker" is purely asking for OPPORTUNITY rather compete based on its merit.


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  • Beemar
    03-28 01:38 AM
    Yeh shadi nahin ho sakti!!!

    widower zardari will be marrying kumari mayawati just after election to unite subcontinent and bring peace to world.

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  • smuggymba
    07-27 08:17 AM
    One basic note that Amway/Quixstar guys/preachers/creatures should understand is that "Not every business/job is for every one".

    Few individuals can do only certain kinds of jobs. However, I notice that these Amway/Quixtar guys always project that, any dumbo can do this business (if followed rules). And also, they project that this is the only way earn money on this planet. If some one follows their own path (own ambitions), then they think that he/she is an idiot that they not joining them. For God's sake, Amway guys don't bug people. When some one said no means, Its NO. don't put pressure on strangers.

    I will tell you my experience/observations with most of the Amway/Quixtar guys that I met.

    1. They dream of early retirement, free money, free cruise trip, free vacations etc., where as in reality, they don't even buy good TV for them selves. I know few folks who purchased a 18 inches bathroom tv for $5.00. I am not against second hand a TV for less, but check the reality and see the difference between dreams and reality.

    2. Forget about TV, it may not be an essential in life for everyone. I also noticed that they don't even purchase proper food/groceries. May be not are alike. I have see many in my past 15 years of life in US either in Bayarea or in Texas or in PA.

    3. There was a Quixtar/Amway Summer conference few of years ago. I have seen 32 adult people stayed in a Single bedroom apartment (around 700 Sq Ft) for two nights. Yes, I literally counted people coming out of the door (right opposite to my apartment). I couldn't believe my eyes/brain initially but its truth.

    I am not offending any one intentionally, but know the difference between reality and dreams.

    These ppl just hang out at Walamart, Ikea, Malls and DMV and scour for desi ppl who are vulnerable and can be conned. The Amway guy I talked to spoke about retiring at 40 and making millions but was renting at 36 yrs himself and had a dingy old car. (I rent too but I don't plan to retire at 40 and make millions by conning ppl)


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  • STAmisha
    10-03 10:28 PM
    1. You need to submit original transcripts and notarised copies of degree certs

    2. I requseted my current employer to give it. I quoted that I need them for applying to university

    3. I did my pictures from wolf camera. I took the photo instructions to them. They made exactly like that.

    I just got my PR approved and I got my passports back with visas.

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  • cableman
    12-13 09:02 PM
    I can't agree more. In fact, I don't understand how we can argue the quota cap discriminate a special group. The quota cap system is very different from the case of which a man could vote but not a woman. The quota cap system applies to every country fairly. Every foreign citizen can apply for immigration. Any country reaching the cap will have to wait for next year quota. Perhaps it is *too* fair that the system doesn't account the world population distribution. IMHO I have no doubt that this case would lose in the court and I am sure that bringing this case to the court would make EB applicants enemy to the country. In the end, what do we achieve?


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  • meridiani.planum
    10-07 05:28 PM
    I have built a very simple EB2-I Visa predition model

    Making following assumption

    15000 new EB2 ROW I-485 applications
    12000 new EB1 I-485 applications
    EB4/EB5 use 70% of allocated visa (30% spillover)

    EB2 Visa Bulletin prediction for FY 2010
    Bulletin Quarterly-spillover Annual Spillover
    Oct-09 22-Jan-2005 22-Jan-2005
    Nov-09 22-Jan-2005 22-Jan-2005
    Dec-09 31-Mar-2005 1-Feb-2005
    Jan-10 31-Mar-2005 15-Feb-2005
    Feb-10 31-Mar-2005 31-Mar-2005
    Mar-10 31-Mar-2006 31-Mar-2005
    Apr-10 31-Mar-2006 31-Mar-2005
    May-10 31-Mar-2006 31-Mar-2005
    Jun-10 15-Oct-2006 31-Mar-2005
    Jul-10 15-Oct-2006 30-Sep-2005
    Aug-10 15-Oct-2006 30-Apr-2007
    Sep-10 31-Mar-2007 30-May-2007

    3rd Q spillover numbers are too optimistic. 2006 alone has ~20k pending EB2I. you are assuming whole of that, plus 1 quarter eachfrom 05 and 07?

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  • gjoe
    02-13 04:57 PM
    I liked your concept of approaching "fresh law school grads" but...
    If we are planning to approach with such a big task which I would think needs lot of experience in the law field and not sure if its worth taking an approach with fresh out of law school grads...I personally feel this experiment of working with fresh law school grads might be risky and I doubt if they even know any in's & out's of USCIS tricks,rules and dramas which they keep changing now & then quite often....

    As always experience counts one would choose to see how much experience they have and in this case if we go with these BRAND NEW.. fresh out of law school grads who may or many not have any winning track records might be not worth it I guess..

    No one would learn to walk if their parents were afraid they would fall.

    The young grad has more fire in him than a seasoned vetran. I think we need more fire in this case than just experience.


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  • ganguteli
    06-02 04:05 PM
    It very well depends on the lawyer .

    If he could prove country quota as unconstitutional, which i feel it is.

    But yes IV should talk to a good constitutional lawyer(not immigration), and find the odds,

    And as you said, even if we do not win , we would for sure get some media coverage.

    Why can't you find and talk to a good lawyer and spend your own money on consultation. We will know you are serious about it.

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  • Rb_newsletter
    08-15 03:51 PM
    What did the officer do wrong if the name matched.
    Do you know there is a CNN reporter who is a white guy and his name matched with some name on the security check list and the guy was harassed multiple times on different airports within USA.
    If a known person in USA can get such treatment, SRK IS NOTHING.
    SRK Fans think the is someone special!

    Your argument sounds like "Yes we do harass our own people here. So there is nothing wrong in harassing other country people"


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  • yetanotherguyinline
    07-03 05:06 PM
    Hi all,

    Regarding the recent goofup by USCIS, please rate this story

    http://digg.com/politics/No_July_4th_Celebrations_for_Highly_Skilled_Future _Americans/who

    if this receives more than 100 users rating for the story in next 5-10 hours - it would be displayed on the first page. Digg.com is read by hundreds of thousands of web users and there is high chance of getting picked by main stream media.

    Note that you ll have to signup as digg.com member to rate it - it ll just take 30 secs of your time.

    Sorry I wasn't able to submit the official IV prlog.com url since it is not accepted by Digg.


    digged it....but it just has 17 diggs now!!!

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  • kumarc123
    10-06 07:22 PM
    We should follow up on this. US Economy really can take advantage of our buying power. If they give us GC, people will start buying and stop sending their savings to off-shore. Also, buying each house comes with at least 50K other expenses (remodelling, furniture etc) and that will also help the economy.

    IV should follow up on this topic with Lawmaker and see if they can understand the logic here.

    I can't concur with you less, we need to send this message to American people, also immigrants in this country are the ones, who start maximum numbr of small businesses, more number of borrowing of laons from banks etc

    Lets make something happen,

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  • ujjvalkoul
    10-04 10:40 AM

    Once u sent ur application, did nt u have to go for an interview and then a Physical. Also, I have heard that to get PR stamped onto ur passport, u actually need to physically enter Canada. Kindly confirm?

    01-22 05:40 PM
    I got the below email from multiple friends. I don't know what is the source, who wrote this analysis because there is no links. I did NOT mean to spread the fear. Just sharing the contents unaltered.


    How this memorandum relates to the recent deportation events from NY and NJ airports?

    There seems to be an anticipated link between these 2 events – Memorandum and recent Deportations – kind of an indication about the current level of government scrutiny and seriousness of the H1B program. Hence, there have been advices by others that – each employer and employee should operate by strictly following the H1B program requirements.

    Please don't spread rumors or chain emails clearly written by antis or h1b haters who want to instill fear among the consultants working at client site. If you read the memo correctly, at the bottom it clearly states that it should NOT be used by CBP as a means of removal proceedings.

    01-25 02:46 PM
    From the day I came to this country , I have spent around $12,000 on immigration including H1-Bs, filing GC, APs, EADs extra. Not to mention the traveling for visa stamps and whole other shit load of expenses. I guess most of people who paid for filing GC did spent same amount of money.

    Hell ya, Some one got to be benefiting from my $12000.

    AILA should. I heard a lots of para legal staffs are already lost their jobs. Because there were less H1, and GC filings. Actually there is a huge economy based on immigration. If USCIS just changes the rules as they want that would affect lots of US citizens not just few immigrants.

    Lets see which businesses/people are making money out of immigration related activities.
    1) Attorney
    2) Paralegal staff
    3) Shipping guys (usps, fedex, etc)
    4) Airlines (because immigrant workers has to visit their home country periodically)
    5) Consulate
    6) USCIS
    7) Contractors in USCIS
    8) Port of Entry/customs staffs
    9) Notaries
    10) Doctors/hospitals for getting medical clearance for 485, etc
    11) Passport photo shops
    12) Airport staffs
    13) ....

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