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Friday, June 10, 2011

new loves and old friends: friday therapy

i hope you don't mind...i need to vent a little.

do you ever feel skinny until you put on a pair of freshly washed jeans? why don't bangs grow faster? why do ugly bangs have such an effect on my mood? why can't you reason with a four-year old girl? why did i have to clean my house before the cleaning person came today? (before you judge, we got a groupon for a house cleaning, we do not have a regular house cleaner.) why don't we have a regular house cleaner? why was i in such a rush this morning that i didn't have time to eat breakfast? (see "why can't you reason with a four-year old girl" for the answer.) why did my subway egg white on flatbread stink up the entire elevator?

ok, that last one i don't really care about. it was more funny than anything else. of course i get on an elevator with eight other people, and all i can smell (and i'm assuming all they can smell) is the funky fart-like smell of my egg white sammie. sounds appetizing, no? well, it's delicious – i don't care what it smells like!

thanks for letting me rant. anyone have anything to add? feel free, i'm all ears! but first i need a little advice from you. i got this shirt a while back and have only worn it once. i wore it out to a restaurant for nora's birthday party. i got a lot of looks, and one, "my daughter really loves your sparkly shirt" comment. i do love it, but i don't have many occasions to wear it. i don't really care about being overdressed in situations, but this might be a bit much for an easy night out. as i was going through my closets to figure out what to get rid of for the garage sale this weekend, this one came out as a tentative. nora has a way of convincing me to keep things (unless she likes it), and told me that i should keep this. so i slept on it, and then i tried it on, then i took pictures so you could all help me. so, should i keep it?

new loves
shorts ~ F21
shoes ~ Jessica Simpson, thrifted
earrings ~ F21

old friends
shirt ~ vintage, thrifted
bracelet ~ vintage, garage sale

thanks in advance for your help! and also, i'm serious about ranting...feel free to use your comments as a sounding board. we like to think of ourselves as very unprofessional therapists!

happy friday!!!

megan bird

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