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Friday, June 3, 2011

if i had a hammer, i'd hammer in the morning

a few weeks ago, my daughter had to stay home from school. the little nugget has asthma (well actually, they don't diagnose asthma at her age, so technically, it's called reactive airway disease), and she was having a flare up and needed her nebulizer every couple of hours. she's better now, yay! i'm sure you don't want to read a whole post about her treatment, so i will move on. needless to say, she was sick, i was home, she was sleeping, and i was bored. while i wanted to sit on her bed, hand on her chest as she slept, i knew that just wouldn't cut it, so i decided to get some projects around the house finished.

first up, ugly bed. i bought this bed frame on craigslist for $50. oh, $55 if you add the cost of the ripped tights due to my horrible spill on the icy driveway of the seller. yep, embarrassing, and if you look at any picture of me in a skirt or dress on this blog, you will see the scar on my knee. so, $50 bed frame, $5 tights, $15 scar cream, and $8 worth of spray paint later, we had a new bed frame.

here is the big brass ugliness i started out with:

and here is the finished product:

i have to show a close up of this pillow sham. nora bird's mother-in-law made one for each of us. isn't she the sweetest? i'm not even her daughter-in-law and she thought of me, and took the time to make this. i love it and display it proudly on our bed!

next up, wall collage. i love wall collages. they are all over my house. well, basically i just love to hoard cute pictures, so i have to have wall collages to showcase my finds. the other day, amanda was over and said, "oh i love it that i know where and when you got each of these pictures." i think that means we shop together too much! sorry for the poor quality of this picture. i took it with my phone and didn't realize how bad it was until now. i have also since replaced the sewing kit hanging for a wonderful minnesota embroidery that i recently found at a garage sale!

wait, did someone say wall collage? check out this bad boy...
some might say tacky, i say a-mazing!

i love spray paint. love it. i had a lamp, and some leftover spray paint, so this is what i ended up with.
voila ~ turquoise lamp! (did i also mention i'm a sucker for anything with two birds on it? i'm the yellow bird!)

and last but not least, i found a way to showcase my very favorite fuchsia vintage suitcase.
i love books, i love suitcases..tada!

these are the kinds of things i do when i have a little bit of free time. mostly i sit around and watch law & order reruns, so don't go getting the idea that i am miss sally diy every day. but when i do it, i like to brag a little. so please indulge me!

happy friday, all!!

megan bird

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