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Friday, May 6, 2011

fbff: shoes glorious shoes

i got nothing for you today, so i'm just going to open with a joke about shoes.

knock, knock.

(you say) who's there?

wooden shoe.

(you say) wooden shoe,

wooden shoe like to know!
ba doom ching!

and now for something completely different...(today's fbff questions)

1. what is your go-to pair of shoes?
i don't know that i have a go-to pair of shoes. i have a few favorites, i have some that are more comfortable than others, and i have a few that will go with just about any outfit, but i choose my shoes on a day-to-day basis, so i don't really think i have a go-to shoe. having said that, i have picked out my most worn shoes. here they are:

2. what goes into your shoe buying decisions?
cuteness and price. comfort isn't too much of an issue as i am used to wearing heels all the time. of course if a shoe is too tight, i won't buy it, but a high heel or pointy toe has never stopped me! i'm also a very frugal person, so as much as i want to buy a zillion pairs of jeffrey campbells, i won't. i will just look for a cheaper version of something similar. groceries trump shoes.
3. the majority of the shoes in your closet are what color?
hmmmm....i have no idea. i like to buy unique and colorful shoes. i do own a lot of black and tan shoes, but i really prefer florals, patterns and color.
4. when it comes to designer shoes what are your favorite brands and why?
jeffrey campbell, hands down. i love a huge, thick, chunky platform heel. i love his patterns and textures and styling. i don't think he makes a shoe that i don't love.
5. if price wasn’t an issue, you’d own which shoe?
this one
or this one
or this one

do you sense a pattern???

how about you? what are your favorite shoes?
to check out more answers, or to join fbff, check out modly chic!

ps. i have to share these adorbs shoes that amanda and cayla got my niece mimi bird for her birthday.
real baby converse! so sweet!

happy friday, all!
megan bird

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