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Friday, April 1, 2011

fbff: rules of engagement

1. guest posts are a good way to gain new exposure. what do you think is the appropriate way to go about securing a guest spot?

waiting for someone to ask...i dont' know. there are some groups (such as fbff) that have thrown out emails about people guest posting for each other, and that's been fun. other than that, i don't really think we would ever ask someone if we could guest post. we'd love it if someone asked us, and would most definitely do it, but i don't think we'd ask.
2. leaving comments is essential to growing your blog. but how can you leave a comment without coming across as ‘follow me. follow me!’?
we only comment on blogs that we like. sometimes i read blogs and don't comment at all. but if i really like the content of the post, the outfit they are wearing, or a certain aspect of what they wrote, i will comment on it. that's not to say that if i don't comment, i don't like the content. sometimes i comment, sometimes i don't.

3. we’ve all gotten a mass email at one time or another asking for blog exposure, a link exchange, etc… but the mass emails don’t work. how do you make your email stand out from the crowd?
you have to make the content of what you are sending great. if i have an idea i want to share, or want group participation in something, or need advice, that is when i send a mass email. i would never send a mass email just asking people to follow us.
4. in interacting with other bloggers where do you draw the line between seeking support and begging for exposure?
we just don't beg. if people like our blog, they will read it. if they don't, they won't. we are well aware that the whole world isn't reading our blog, and we're ok with it. we still love blogging!

5. what’s one rule of engagement error you made and how have you remedied that?
i don't know...that's a tough one. i don't think we have done anything inappropriate in regards to our blog...but if anyone disagrees, please let us know!

if you want to read other blogger's answers, or join fbff, be sure to check out Modly Chic!

happy friday!
the birds

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