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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

new loves and old friends: bali

i woke up with my dog's butt in my face this morning. it was a bit of a shock. even more of a shock, i woke up to an empty house. the kids are at grandma and grandpa's for a sleepover, and chris had to work – which can only mean one thing – it snowed again last night. so it was just me and desi this morning. it was eerily quiet, until i blasted pandora throughout the house. you can do that when it's just you and the dog!
yep, this is what i rolled over to find next to me this morning. so comfortable with his legs in the air.

so while i thought i'd have more time this morning to get ready, take a few pictures, etc., i actually didn't. the snow was falling, my dog was cuddly, so i stayed in bed a few extra minutes. it was nice. we both deserved it.

i am wearing my favorite vintage tee today. i had to make it work appropriate, so i paired it with a blazer. t-shirt and blazer, sounds very miami vice, doesn't it?

you can't see the tee very well, but it's a vacation tee (although not from one of my vacations, unfortunately) with a huge sun, bamboo, and bali printed in huge letters across the back. the arms and neck have been cut and sergered (is that a word?). it's one of my favorite t-shirts...and up until today, i have never worn it to work.

new loves:
pants/blazer ~ Target
earrings ~ F21

old friends:
tee ~ vintage, rummage sale
boots ~ vintage, ebay

happy hump day! daydream of bali all day long!

megan bird

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