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Friday, February 25, 2011

FBFF Blog Awards!

sorry we're so late to the game today! busy busy day for the two birds. plus, this post took a lot of thought! 
this week's friend friday is the first ever FBFF Blog Awards! fun!!!
how does it work? well, each participating blogger nominates one blogger for each of the
categories below. once these nominations are tallied, the top three blogs in each category will be announced. then these blogs will be put up for a vote. finally, of course, the winners will be announced! it's like the blog oscars (the bloscars?). so, here are our choices. to see who other bloggers are nominating, head over to Modly Chic.

1. Creative Juices - most creative

elsie, of A Beautiful Mess, owns her own vintage store (our dream!), has designed a dress line, and started Project ReStyle. plus, she features DIY projects, daily outfit posts, home decor ideas, makeovers and so much more that inspires us every time we visit her blog.

2. The Real Deal - authenticity

jill is just the real deal. when you read her blog it's like you two are just hanging out having coffee. she shares funny, quirky little stories about her daily life, she has a great sense of style and shares some fantastic outfit posts, and she just seems down to earth and like she doesn't take herself too seriously (which we love!). plus, she's a minnesotan! gotta love her! 

3. Spark Notes - most helpful

The Dainty Squid

kaylah blogs about a little bit of everything and takes photos of it all! plus, she seems as crazy in love with thrifting and vintage as we are. and you gotta love a gal who can rock blue hair!

4. Newbie - best blogger less than a year old

wrinkled dollar

awesome outfit of the day posts? check! great thrifting tips? check! this gal loves a bargain and shares exactly how many wrinkled dollars she spent and where she purchased certain items of her wardrobe. of course we love this newbie!

5. Can You Hear Me Now - most connected

oooh, hard question. there are a lot of bloggers out there who are quite connected through twitter, etsy, blog groups, etc. but right, now, it's just too hard to think of one. sorry! someday, we'd like it to be us!

6. If I had a Hammer - best DIY
P.S. I made this

love the collages. love the step by step descriptions on how to make each item. plus, each project is so simple and so budget friendly! how could you not love this DIY blog? (the amazing tatertots & jello was a very close second choice!)

7. Tribe Leader - blogger who leads others and brings bloggers

Kendie Everyday

kendi started the 30 for 30 remix challenge. 'nuff said.
(okay, maybe i'll say more. i have a huge crush on her wardrobe. is that weird?)

8. Practically Perfect - most fashionable
The Daybook

i've never seen sydney look bad or disheveled or not pulled together and amazing. but she does it in a realistic way. and she has some great tutorials on her blog. who knew i needed someone to show me to tie a scarf or belt just so? she did! plus, she just seems so sweet and nice!

9. Paint by Numbers - best beauty blogger

to be honest, we don't read many beauty blogs. maybe we should...but we don't. i bet there are plenty of great ones out there...so if you know of a great one, let us know!

10. Renaissance Woman - best all around blogger, fashion, beauty,

Cupcakes and Cashmere

emily has a wardrobe i would kill for (okay, maybe not. maybe.). she shares delicious recipes. she gives amazing decorating ideas. she shows us her fabulous flea market finds. she writes frequently and originally. the blog is her full-time job and you can tell. she just does it well.

happy friday!

nora and megan bird

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