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Friday, January 28, 2011

FBFF: smile! you're on candid camera!

happy friday!!! this week's FBFF questions are all about taking your own pictures and blogging. i have struggled with this exact thing for a while now. it's pretty hard to get the time, the courage and the gumption to take fabulous pictures everyday. but we try...
if you'd like to join, or look at other's answers, head on over to Modly Chic.

1. what technology do you use in blogging? (computer, camera, video camera, tripod, etc...)
at the moment, just a camera, and on an off-day, my phone. it's a pretty good phone, but it doesn't take quality pictures quite like my camera. i recently bought a tripod after a whole week where chris (my photog) wasn't able to take my pictures. i had my five-year old son take them instead, and it was clearly evident that a child had taken them. unfortunately, my camera isn't equipped to use a remote, so i will still need to do the run back and forth with the timer. it's a work in progress...

2. what computer and online technology do you use? (blogging system, photo storage, photo editing tools, etc..)
to be honest, nothing. we are new to this whole process. we simply upload our pictures as is. i would love to work in photoshop to make collages and things like that...but that will come in time.

3. what is your process for taking pictures?
oh boy...usually it happens at 7 am as we are all frantically trying to get ready for work and school. i wait for lunches to be packed, and when the kids are sitting down to breakfast, i give chris my best doe-eyed look and ask him to take pics. he is very kind and accommodating about it. he ends up taking about 35 pictures, for me to find four that i like. not because of his photographing...usually i am blinking or the angle is weird. it takes a lot of practice to learn what poses and/or facial expressions look good on camera.

4. when it comes to backdrops for your photos what do you consider? do you scout locations or shoot the same spot daily?
i don't consider much. right now, it's cold and wintry, and i would rather not be outside without huge boots and a down coat. plus, at 7 am and 6 pm, when we are home, it's dark outside. in the summer, i hope to be outdoors more for pictures, but to be honest, i have very limited time at home, and would prefer to spend it with the family rather than scouting locations. so pictures are usually in our hallway, or right out the front door. the best pictures for me are the ones where we are on a family outing and i see a place that is perfect. i try to bring my camera, and also to be picture ready, every place we go. of course, that doesn't always happen...

5. if you could splurge and get one new piece of equipment what would you be buying?
a fantastic camera with a wireless remote. i sometimes feel like i am burdening chris with all the work he does for me. but, he takes a good picture, and he is very patient, so i have no complaints!
have a wonderful weekend, all! big plans?
megan bird

images via herehereherehere and here

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