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Saturday, July 10, 2010

I'm Back & I'm Much More Realer

Realer Than Ever !!

It's been two weeks, or maybe three. Whatever the count is, I've missed my daily dosage of blogging and that's real. It feels so good to be typing in this box again. Putting whatever is on my mind at this moment into text !!  SOUNDS WEIRD RIGHT..? I understand, that may sound a bit weird reading this, thinking I'm some kind of cyborg or whatever gets weirder than one of those, but I'm fo'real. Here's my excuse and it's truth. Those of you on my Facebook group will know it, for the time I've been away my PC has been an arse. YEAH, YEAH...  I need to get myself a Mac-Mac L'Oreal because they're worth it. Soon y'all, soon. In the meanwhile, I've had to scrap Firefox, Chrome and Safari for my blogging and go back to the old school and use Internet Explorer - the only browser that is allowing me to use this blogging system. You guys are lucky, I was actually contemplating moving to Wordpress, but I guess Explorer saved my Blogger life. *HAPPY FACE*
Cutting a long story real short, I'm back. I'm Ja'e and I'm fo'real !!

Love ya all !!


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